Speech and debate is a diverse community of tens of thousands of people throughout the world. Despite the countless various coaches, students, and teams that exist, most of the community still goes through the same process of entering speech and debate and learning the ropes. This page will make it easy for you!
What to Expect
A lot of grit: Debate takes a lot of work, and there is no short-cut to success. Most debaters who participate in the club all four years of high school commit over 300 hours a year to the activity. That may seem daunting, but for experienced debaters, most of that time is full of wonderful experiences and amazing friends!
Community: Speech and Debate is about community. Whether it’s your debate partner or other people on your team, you always want to make sure you stay as a cohesive group. Counsel students on matters concerning school procedures, rules, and regulations-- strong contacts and reaching out to friends is key
Leadership: Speech and Debate requires a lot of logistical work. Provide strong leadership in basic regulatory procedures-- act as a strong role model for other students who are also entering the activity for the first time
Preparation: Prepare lessons that reflect accommodations for individual student differences. Plan and use appropriate instructional and learning strategies, activities, materials, and equipment that reflect understanding of the learning styles and needs of students assigned.